Chiropractic for Third Trimester Pregnancies

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It’s so close you can feel it…

The third trimester is a hectic time- while the anticipation reaches its climax, a woman’s body is strained to the max to account for the full weight of the baby. Typical features of the third trimester include:

  • Activity slows down
  • Frequent urination
  • Back pain and general discomfort
  • Heartburn
  • Anxiety
  • Contractions begin

The third trimester will challenge you physically and emotionally. That’s why we are standing by to provide you with the chiropractic support you need to sustainably manage your pregnancy. Here’s how chiropractic helps women in their third trimesters.

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Coming to Grips With Your Weight

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Let’s talk about your weight

At our office in Holmes Chiropractic, education is a part of our mission, and education about weight is something that not everyone is willing to listen to with an open ear. But here’s the thing: maybe you aren’t getting the facts straight from your other doctors. While traditional medicine treats the symptoms of obesity (blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, joint problems) with medication, it leaves the individual short of options for real effective weight management. We believe in the power of your target weight and we will help you do whatever it takes to lower and maintain a healthy target weight that does not overly burden your spine. 

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Finding a Little Relief: Chiropractic Care for Managing Chronic Pain

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When musculoskeletal pain becomes chronic

Chronic pain is defined as lasting for three months or more. The causes of chronic pain are varied, as they can evolve out of an acute injury, or develop as a symptom of an autoimmune disorders. Quite often, chronic pain is an accompaniment of the natural spinal degeneration that comes with aging. As we get older, the vertebrae, joints and discs of our spines become more susceptible to wear and tear; when you combine this with the loss of muscle that naturally occurs with age, you have the perfect recipe for a weakened spine that causes you a lot of discomfort. With an aging population in America, chronic pain is on the rise, and it is wreaking havoc with the wellbeing of our citizens.

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Why Is My Back Sore Post-Exercise?

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It is important to identify the cause of your sore back after an exercise

Feeling slight pain after exercise is usually a good sign- a positive indicator that you made demands on your muscle and that they are rising to meet the task and grow. But there is a line that can be crossed and it is important to know when you cross it. Normal, manageable muscle soreness post-workout is known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness- as long as it remains low-grade, there should be nothing to worry about. But it is important to know when post-workout pain is abnormal. This blog will give you some signs to look out for so that you don’t push yourself too far. 

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Preventing Back Pain on the Bike

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The coincidence of biking and back pain

Why does an activity that brings joy and boosts health also cause back pain? The answer lies in the mechanical nature of the sport; and this is particularly prevalent because back pain can strike any biker at any age. In fact, at our office in Houston, we are seeing more young bikers than ever coming in complaining of back pain. These perfectly fit, regularly active individuals are experiencing back pain from a sport that is supposed to be helping prevent it. Let’s identify the most important factors for preventing back pain on a bike.

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Water Gives Life: The Role of H2O in Spinal Health

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What will it take to get you drinking your daily ration of water?

Why do we like to make life so complicated? We know the things that will help us live well, yet we ignore them in pursuit of easier, tastier alternatives. Case-in-point: water. Most people now are aware of the importance of hydrating for all of the body’s vital processes. And yet many people forego water and choose sugar-laden drinks like soda and juice, or caffeine and fat-laden drinks like tea and coffee for their daily fluid intake. While these liquids do hydrate, they also come with side-effects that derive from the sugar and fat content. Let’s take a look at the importance of water through a spinal health perspective.

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The Deep Friction Massage for Athletes in Houston

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Preventing scar tissue accumulation and improving muscle mobility

Deep friction massage is a powerful technique that allows us to heal injuries in an effective manner. This is a technique that seeks to maximize mobility in a ligament and tendon, prevent scar tissue adhesion and get you back to exercising as quickly as possible. Deep friction massage, also known as transverse friction massage, helps the athlete:

  • Get over pain
  • Prevent scar tissue adhesion 
  • Regenerate healthy connective tissue
  • Increase circulation

Sports injuries often involve ligament or tendon damage- even the smallest injury can hamper performance or keep you on the sideline indefinitely. Our goal is to combine modalities, including deep friction massage to give your body the best chance of healing quickly. 

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Letting Go of Systemic Shoulder and Neck Tension

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Systemic tension in the upper back, neck and shoulders…

…is indicative of being an adult in America. Our lifestyles breed tension in upper body, particularly in the neck and shoulders, and particularly if you work in front of a computer. Now let’s be honest: are you someone who tends to ignore stiffness in the neck and shoulder region, opting instead to just get on with your work. This behavior is also indicative of being an adult in America, where we are often to busy to cater to our sore points. But trust the experts here at Holmes Chiropractic- ignoring this tension is a textbook way to end up with spinal degeneration that will cause you a lot more problems down the line. So let’s avoid ever reaching this point in the first place, by using simple, daily stretches to release shoulder and neck tension. 

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Could Your Bed Be the Source of Your Back Pain?

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How does your bed impact the health of your spine?

In fact this turns out to be incredibly difficult to quantify; more so, because even the best bed is just the “less bad” option. Why do we say this? Because even with a perfectly supportive mattress, your spine is still subject to the downward force of gravity, which compresses the spinal column and puts pressure on the intervertebral discs. And while you rest away in an extended position, your back is inevitably going to form a mold in the mattress- quite often, the more the the mold gives, the less support you have, allowing your spine to contort into all sorts of ungainly, unhealthy positions. A supportive mattress, however, which maintains spinal alignment and curvature throughout the night, minimizes the ill-effect and actually allows your spine to rest and rejuvenate throughout the night. So what are the elements that make up the perfect mattress?

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Effective Rehabilitation for Herniated Discs

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Strengthen while you heal

Yes, it may sound difficult, but it is the most effective way to go about healing a herniated disc! While a period of rest and restoration is often advisable in the first few days after injury, our goal is to get you moving again as soon as possible. The truth is that stagnation hampers rehabilitation; because your injury decreases your motivation to move and exercise, it is actively working against your efforts to recover. At Holmes Chiropractic, we aim to get you moving effectively despite your injury because we know this is the path towards the quickest and most effective rehabilitation for herniated discs. 

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