Chiropractic is Preventative Medicine

preventative medicine

Chiropractic can change the way you think about your health

Chiropractic theory treats the spine as the foundation for wellness. As chiropractors, we do everything in our power to ensure the integrity of that foundation through natural modalities. Along the way, we would like to show you why this is the right way of going about things. Rather than a reactive form of health care, we seek to solve problems at their source before they blossom into something bigger and more troublesome. 

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Keeping your Spine Aligned: What you can do

spinal alignment in Houston

Houston, why do you want to keep your spine aligned?

First of all what determines “good alignment?” A properly aligned body refers to a position in which the head, shoulders, spine, hips, knees and ankles align in a position that puts minimal pressure on the spine. Let us give you some reasons why this is important:

  • Good spinal alignment contributes to better body mechanics and fewer injuries
  • Good spinal alignment protects and aids in the functioning of the central nervous system
  • Good spinal alignment facilitates the optimal functioning of all your major bodily systems

What can you do outside the chiropractor’s office to keep your spine aligned

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