Posts by Randall Holmes
Easy Ways to Boost Your Immune System
During times of the Coronavirus, it’s important to do what we can to boost our immune system, especially those of us who may be more susceptible to getting sick.
The truth is, there is a lot you can do when it comes to diet, getting a good night of sleep consistently, and making sure to exercise your body and give yourself the space you need to effectively recover that will set you up to live a healthy life 365 days a year. Below, Holmes Chiropractic goes over a few ways to boost your immune system the simple way.
Fruits and Veggies
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables will ensure your body is getting the crucial vitamins and minerals it needs to get through the day successfully, not to mention help stave off inflammation and infection.
Limit Your Exposure
One of the best ways to avoid getting sick is to avoid excessive contact with germs. Stop touching your face and mouth and be sure to wash your hands after coming into contact with commonly-touched surfaces, like handrails, for instance.
Supplement Your Nutrition
Take vitamin C supplements and make sure that you’re getting all your vitamins and minerals. You’ll be surprised how much better you feel on a daily basis when you take the sorts of dietary supplements that work for you.
Chiropractic adjustments have also been shown to help boost your immune system, calibrating your body to run smoothly and effectively in the process. Contact Holmes Chiropractic today to learn more.
Spring Exercise Tips
The Spring months are a great avenue to get outdoors and boost your workout routines to achieve more positive and noticeable results. Whether you’re planning on running a 10k, taking up outdoor rock climbing, or investing in a paddleboard, Spring is a great time to work those new muscles and hold yourself to a higher standard.
Below, Holmes Chiropractic goes over a few exercise tips that will help you during the Spring season.
Tip#1: Outdoor Yoga
Yoga is a great way to decompress, whether you have a demanding job or exercise routine. Taking your yoga practice outdoors will help you connect with nature, not to mention get a little fresh air. Try to choose a scenic setting, perhaps one that you have to hike to for additional health and wellness benefits.
Tip #2: Join a Community
Take a class of some sort that has you showing up a few times a week, whether it’s a martial arts class or for a kickball team. You’ll be getting much-needed socialization while also getting your exercise in.
Tip #3: Schedule a Spring Consultation with Holmes Chiropractic
A nice chiropractic adjustment will help calibrate your body and brain to achieve more positive results when it comes to your health and wellness. Chiropractic treatment has been shown to help conditions like arthritis, insomnia, even sciatica. Call today to learn more about who we are and the all-natural treatments we provide.
3 Easy, Breezy Nutrition Hacks for Daily Wellness
It’s important to start thinking of the foods we eat and the beverages we drink in terms of what they offer nutritionally. We are what we eat and drink, when it all comes down to it.
Holmes Chiropractic would like to go over a few easy nutrition hacks that you can practice daily for improved health and wellness. You’ll start to feel a daily energy boost as a result!
1.) Drink More Water
You can basically always drink more water. Try to drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day, which will help you reduce headaches and migraines, improve your body’s functionality, and more. Your blood and the water in your body should be thought of as gasoline and engine oil. Stay satiated out there!
2.) Eat More Greens
Always opt for greens when you can, whether that means getting a big old salad at that restaurant you frequent with your friends instead of a burger or choosing a green smoothie instead of your normal fruit smoothie. Making these often more difficult decisions will pay off handsomely when it comes to our health and wellness.
3.) Find Clean Protein Sources
Whether you’re a vegan or a meat-eater, it’s important to find clean sources of protein. It’s always worth it to purchase higher quality ingredients (which are often locally and ethically-sourced) when you cook at home.
Chiropractic treatment is a great supplement once you’d like to start doing more to optimize your body and its internal systems. Contact Holmes Chiropractic today to find out more about how our treatments are the perfect complement to a healthy and active lifestyle.
Supplementing Your Nutrition the Smart Way
When it comes to nutritional supplements, not all are created equal. Before you decide which nutritional supplements to invest in and make part of your health and wellness protocol, it’s important to analyze your diet, your body type, as well as your body chemistry to make sure that you take the right supplements — the ones that are going to get the best results for you.
When supplementing protein, it’s a good idea to use high-quality products. There are protein powders made from vegetables or soy as alternatives to whey proteins offered.
Taking things like B vitamins, calcium, turmeric, fish oil, and vitamin C will help you stay healthy year-round, not to mention energize your day.
Nutrition supplements can get quite expensive, but it’s important not to resign yourself to cheap alternatives. Remember that you’re investing in your day-to-day health.
At Holmes Chiropractic, we provide nutritional supplements that help you get the best out of yourself. We also provide nutritional counseling that will help optimize your wellness and boost your daily energy and productivity. Contact Holmes Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation in order to learn about how our treatments and products can benefit your health and wellness.
Giving the Gift of Chiropractic This Valentine’s Day
As local florists work overtime to fill those last-minute Valentine’s Day orders, Holmes Chiropractic would like to go over what may be something of a less obvious choice for a gift: Chiropractic Treatment!
Whether you gift a chiropractic adjustment to yourself or y our special someone is up to you, but the benefits will be many. Below, Holmes Chiropractic goes over why an adjustment might just be just what your partner needs… and they probably don’t even know it.
First off, a chiropractic adjustment provides drug-free pain relief that will complement an active work or play schedule. Chiropractic adjustments also help promote a healthier night of sleep, not to mention boost the effectiveness of internal systems like your GI tract and your immune system.
Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show someone else that you’re thinking about their well-being. Your spinal health is inextricably linked to your overall health, after all. Contact Holmes Chiropractic to learn more about who we are and what we do. We provide chiropractic treatments and other wellness services for the entire family.
3 Lesser Known Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment
Chiropractic treatment offers a variety of health and wellness benefits beyond your neck, back, and spine. Below, Holmes Chiropractic goes over a few lesser-known benefits that chiropractic treatment offers patients.
1.) Improves GI System Functionality
The way your body communicates is deeply linked to your spine, and spine misalignment can certainly disrupt the way your digestive system works. Chiropractic treatments have been shown to improve GI system functionality in patients.
2.) Better and More Consistent Sleep
Chiropractic adjustments optimize the body and provide drug-free pain relief, which helps patients achieve more restful sleep.
3.) Improved Respiratory/Sinus System
Chiropractic treatment helps clear up the passageways of your body, like your respiratory system and your sinuses, which can get obstructed due to spine misalignment. One visit with the chiropractor can often clear you up significantly.
Chiropractic treatment provides drug-free pain relief, is beneficial to your joints, and can be beneficial for those who live with arthritis, headaches, inflammation, sciatica, and much, much more. Contact Holmes Chiropractic to schedule your consultation and learn what our treatments can do for you.
Your Q1 Wellness Check-In
As a way to check in with yourself this first quarter of the year, it’s a good idea to give yourself an assessment, checking out areas where you are currently killing it, but especially looking at areas that you can improve.
Maybe you’re running those miles every week like you set out to at the beginning of the year, but perhaps you’ve been slacking when it comes to yoga and meditation. That’s okay! That’s why it’s crucial to do a self-evaluation and make a plan for Q2 of 2020.
Chiropractic treatment is a great way to give your body and brain the routine maintenance it needs to get you past the finish line this year when it comes to your New Year’s resolutions.
First, ask yourself how you’re feeling? If you’ve been eating clean, whole foods, hydrating, and getting plenty of restful sleep, you should be feeling pretty great, right? If you’ve been underachieving in any one of those areas, you might be feeling less than ideal. Make the little changes and the big changes that will have you feeling healthy and well as you pursue your goals this year.
Contact Holmes Chiropractic to learn about how our treatments get the best out of our patients year-round.
Stress and Anxiety Relief Tips
Holmes Chiropractic provides treatments that help our patients live more comfortably and live healthier lives, and a part of what we do is educate our diverse patient base and readership about what they can do to reduce overall wear and tear that our lives dole out to us on the daily. There is stress and tension occurring in your body, which we can help with, but there’s also stress and tension going on in your mind. We can help with that, too!
Chiropractic treatments can actually help improve mood, not to mention reduce anxiety and promote a more restful night of sleep.
Beyond our treatments, there’s a lot you can do at home, too. Meditation and yoga both go hand-in-hand when it comes to effective stress relief protocols. Exercising your body to exertion at least 3-4 times per week also helps you manage stress and anxiety. You’ll come out the other side of all of these activities and treatments feeling less stressed, looser, lighter, and with a little bit more perspective.
Our health is all we have folks. The other stuff is just secondary. Contact Holmes Chiropractic today to learn more about how our treatments help promote a healthy body and mind.
Neck Pain Causes and Treatment
Neck pain can be either acute or chronic and can come about due to a variety of reasons.
Sometimes neck pain can occur as the result of an accident, maybe a fender bender, or even a work-related injury. Neck pain can also come about due to having poor posture, not to mention staring at a screen (whether that be on a computer or on a smartphone) for long periods of time with our heads tilted at uncomfortable angles.
We also don’t normally exercise our necks properly, most of us, so it’s important to have a wellness protocol designed with your neck in mind.
First, it’s a good idea to start exercising your neck, then, at the end of your day, make sure to stretch your neck out. If you don’t have any equipment to get it done, simply apply resistance with your own hands/strength, then make forward and backward motions, then side to side motions, getting a 360-degree workout.
Stretch your neck using the same motions. Make small circles with your nose and eventually make the circles bigger and bigger, which will help release tension in your neck.
Another great way to relieve neck pain and neck tension is to visit the chiropractor. Contact Holmes Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation and learn more about the drug-gree pain relief benefits of our treatments.
Common Causes of Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain is one of the more common back conditions that affect our patients at Holmes Chiropractic. Back injuries affect 80% of adults at some point in their lives, so it’s important to understand what the most common contributors to lower back pain are, that way you can avoid such habits and behaviors for a better chance at enjoying a longer, healthier, more comfortable life.
We’ll leave out the obvious, things like car accidents or work-related injuries, and, rather, go over some of the everyday behaviors that might lead to lower back pain.
1.) The Way You Sit
Chances are, either when you’re on your way to work or at work itself, you’re likely going to be sitting for extended periods throughout the day. Investing in an ergonomic chair and practicing perfect posture are both essential to navigating the daily grind.
2.) Improper Lifting Technique
Whether it’s objects around the house or the way you’re lifting at the gym, improper technique in either will land you a back injury at some point in time.
3.) Lack of Spinal Decompression
If you’re going through your day without stretching or performing any self-care practices (like yoga, for instance), be aware that you’re putting a tremendous amount of pressure on your spine, which will eventually result in chronic pain or even an injury.
Contact Holmes Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation if you have lower back pain, neck pain, leg pain, or joint pain. We provide a variety of treatments aimed at treating the whole patient.