A Stronger Core for a Longer Life

chiropractic for kids blog

Why bother strengthening the core muscles?

The reasons are bottomless, but let’s boil it down to the most important few:

  • Injury prevention: core stability, influenced by the deeper-lying postural muscles, is the foundation upon which all other components of health should be built. A solid, stable core will keep your body and spine resilient to injury from all movements. 
  • Spinal longevity: your core muscles are the most important asset you have in preventing back pain and combating spinal degeneration.
  • Protecting your nervous system: your spinal cord is your central command center, the highway upon which the nervous system communicates. A strong core mitigates the compression that puts your spine under pressure and disrupts the nervous system.
  • Look better: an upright posture projects confidence and confidence is sexy. 

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