Posts by Randall Holmes
Caffeine’s Addictive Capacities Create Headaches
Caffeine is a crutch for the 21st century civilian.
Speedy lifestyles and the demands of a job frequently call for the individual to produce more per hour, adding stress that interferes with their sleep patterns and leaves them reaching for espresso the next morning. A frequent byproduct of this turbulent cycle is the chronic headache that can accrue from a body’s dependence on caffeine.
Fighting Pain with Phytonutrients
The debate over modern diets is a smokescreen
So much of the debate centers around carbs, proteins, and fat. And while balancing this energy-providing triad is of crucial importance, it is only a starting point for a truly balanced diet. If you suffer with chronic back pain, then dietary balance is one of the best ways you can provide for your body on a daily basis. A plant-based diet that includes plenty of phytonutrients is a good option for anyone suffering with back pain.
Holiday Stress Reduction Techniques
The holidays shouldn’t be a stressful time of year
Yet for many of us they are- the pressures of money and social commitments on top of an already overburdened schedule can push us to the tipping point. If this describes you, and you want to prevent yourself from tipping, the only response is to take control of stress reduction. There are many ways to do this- one of our favorites is a tech break. Phones, computers and tablets seem so necessary in today’s society. But there was a time not long ago when these devices plaid zero role in our lives! And who can say whether we were worse off. While we would never suggest ditching your devices completely, you can manage your screen time more effectively.
Take the Pain Out of Your Workday
Excuses are over
Chances are this post finds you slouching in your chair trying to relieve stiffness that has come from sitting upright in your chair. And while it may feel good in the moment, this is the wrong way to go about things. “But its human nature to seek comfort!” I hear you arguing- to which I have more than a few refutations. To begin with, sitting is not human nature- we were made bipedal for a reason and that was to make us more effective movers. By not moving for 10 hours a day, your body and spine are adjusting to a “new normal,” that is anything but good for you.
Being Realistic About Spine Treatments
Many people buy into the notion of a “magic cure”
Whether it be an aggressive treatment like spinal surgery, or a more conservative one like chiropractic, many people believe that seeking treatment for their back pain will simply make it go away. But when it comes to spinal conditions, there is no panacea or magic bullet. To begin with, pain is a symptom and not a condition; chronic back pain is often linked to a complex network of causative factors that resist even the most vigorous treatment.
Chiropractic Care for Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis requires proactive care
This disease, most prevalent in our elderly population, is characterized by weakness in the bones which leaves them vulnerable to partial or total breakage. The first step is diagnosing the problem: many people won’t find out they have osteoporosis until they’ve broken a bone. If you suspect you may have osteoporosis, your PCP may need to order a bone density scan which will give use key indicators regarding your bone mineral density. If we determine that you have osteoporosis, it’s time to start being proactive about your condition.
This Vacation, Go Back-Pain Free
Don’t let your vacation be remembered for back pain and discomfort
If you have a pre-existing spinal condition, chances are that the thought of being in transit doesn’t fill you with joy. The hours of sitting, lack of activity, lack of sleep, and changes in dietary and hydration patterns all conspire to leave your spine in a stiffer and more vulnerable condition. But rather than accepting this lying down, you need to be all the more proactive about taking care of your beleaguered back.
Treating Pulled Back Muscles
Muscle strains and sprains: painful, but preventable
Muscle strains and sprains are among the most common back injuries in our adult population. Symptoms include dull aching, stiffness and tenderness and indicate that soft tissues in the back have become overstretched. While the pain remains localized, it will feel better when resting and worse when in motion. The typical progression of a strain or sprain will involve a continuance of symptoms with the addition of inflammation; most injuries resolve themselves in a matter of days to weeks. And while they are low on the scale of severity, and respond well to treatment, they can give us indicators into the overall state of your back and spinal health.
When Lifting, Remember Your Maxims
Lifting causes more injuries than most other basic motions in human life
But the vast majority of these injuries are entirely avoidable. They stem from the fact that we ignore our time-honored advice of lifting with our legs and hips and instead lift with the back. This overloads the tendons and ligaments which support the spine, and are not designed to bear heavy loads. The muscles or your legs are much more adept at propelling themselves while bearing weight. Whether you are moving houses, lifting a box of paper, or a child, you need to be mindful about this motion! If the object is on the floor
Modifying Your Weightlifting Routine to Account for Back Pain
Back pain does not mean the end of the weight room for you
Weight lifting is a boon for people with back pain- when done correctly, it increases the ability of your muscles to support your spine, makes you less injury prone and improves function across the board. Strength is a critical piece of wellness that benefits back pain sufferers no end. There is a balance, however; you must always maintain awareness of the state of your spine and its capacity for weight-bearing activities. For this reason, if you are balancing back pain and weight lifting, it is critical that you receive an examination by a primary care provider or spinal health care specialist such as a chiropractor. We are trained, qualified, and vastly experienced in helping weight lifters determine an appropriate amount of activity based on a diagnostic picture of their spine.