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Cervicogenic Headache

May 26, 2016

Cervicogenic headaches are among the most unusual headaches because the pain is not originating in the head. This happens to make them the hardest to diagnose. But for people who have experienced trauma to the neck, back or head at any point in their lifetime, cervicogenic headaches are worth considering as a root cause if…

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Headaches and Sleeping

May 22, 2016

For many people, getting to sleep, or staying asleep is difficult because of headaches and, by the opposite token, lack of sleep creates headaches during the day time. Sleep is a key ingredient to overall wellness, and as such, the pursuit of restful, restorative sleep is a primary pursuit at Holmes Chiropractic. How can you…

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posture headache

Posture Headache

May 22, 2016

If someone were to take a picture of you right now, as you sat at the computer, how would you look? Would you be upright in your chair, with a healthy lordotic curve, shoulders back and face straight forward. Or would you be slumped forward, neck cricked downward, with tight shoulders and a rounded back?…

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Everyday Stress and Headaches

May 16, 2016

What is a regular, every-day headache? They are the headaches for which we quickly take aspirin in the hopes of muting the pain, allowing the causative condition to linger. They are insidious and multi-faceted: perhaps you did not drink enough water today? Or not enough food. Too much computer time could have done it, but…

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Sleep posture

Sleeping with Good Form

May 12, 2016

If only sleeping was simple. In a globalized world where stress seems to grow by the day, sleep is becoming harder to come by: falling asleep and staying asleep are problems entirely of their own, but what is happening while you sleep? The position your body is in can determine whether you wake up feeling…

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Nutrition for Sleeping

May 5, 2016

Sleep deficiencies are often correlated with poor diet patterns. For example, eating too little during the day leads to eating too much at night. Conversely, eating too much during the day may leave your stomach growling as you attempt to sleep. The paradox exists: It is hard to digest a heavy meal while lying in bed,…

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Sleep Apnea and Chiropractic

April 28, 2016

Sleep apnea (apnea meaning lack of breathing) is a common disorder characterized by shallow breath patterns and pauses during sleep. There is often an associated snort or choking sound that precipitates a resumption of normal breathing. To the casual observer, it may appear as though someone suffering from sleep apnea is holding their breath, withholding…

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Restless Leg Syndrome

April 25, 2016

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder related to the nervous system, causing involuntary twitching or movement of one or both of the legs. It is also classified as a sleep disorder because the incessant movement interferes with the sufferer’s ability to sleep, leading to insomnia and elevated stress levels. Symptoms of RLS are…

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Restless Sleep

April 21, 2016

Successful sleep means falling and staying asleep and, while asleep, deriving the restorative benefits that sleep has to offer: a productive period of rest and recovery that boosts everything from physical and mental fitness to well-being and mood. When we treat people who are suffering from sleep problems, it is easy to diagnose a systemic…

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In Pursuit of a Good Night’s Sleep

April 18, 2016

At Holmes Chiropractic we believe that sleep is integral to immunity. A good night’s sleep is priceless: the influence of sleep on mood, attitude, cognition and health is something you have to feel to believe. Unfortunately for many, they don’t know what they have until it’s gone: lack of sleep is a leading contributor to…

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chiropractic for kids

chiropractic for kids Houston

At Holmes Chiropractic are prepared for you and your family.

In addition, for the protection of our customers and our employees, we're keeping up with the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C.

The staff have disinfected all surfaces and implemented recommended strategies to keep safe distances between all customers and employees.

Moreover, our chiropractor and staff are on top of the most current information available to businesses.

We are open for business.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about your health at 713-862-2440