Everyday Stress and Headaches
What is a regular, every-day headache? They are the headaches for which we quickly take aspirin in the hopes of muting the pain, allowing the causative condition to linger. They are insidious and multi-faceted: perhaps you did not drink enough water today? Or not enough food. Too much computer time could have done it, but it is also allergy season. We write them off as being just part of life; a manifestation of internal and external factors that cannot really be helped. If we are willing to accept this, could it be so far fetched that a misalignment in the spine is to blame?
At Holmes Chiropractic, we believe in finding the root cause rather than treating the surface symptom. Modern lives leave us at the mercy of myriad stressors, and our bodies naturally tighten in a protective response. Unfortunately, this tightening becomes chronic and prolonged periods of tightness will leave muscles strained and vertebrae misaligned. We often see people whose shoulders and necks are in such a state of tension that it is no wonder pain is being referred up into the head.
We treat you with a holistic approach, addressing the headaches by relieving tension and misalignment in the cervical region. Massage releases endorphins that have natural stress and pain fighting properties. Do not let tension headaches hold on to your life any longer: call our office in Houston at (713) 862-2440 to see how we can turn daily headaches into a thing of the past.
Dr. Randall Holmes, D.C.