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chiropractic for kids blog

Combating Sciatica

October 13, 2016

Sciatica is the name of the condition in which the sciatic nerve, the longest in the human body, is irritated. Running from the lower back, through the butt and down the leg, it’s no wonder this nerve can come under fire from a variety of injuries- whether it be from a herniated disc, subluxation in…

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October 3, 2016

While the concept of diminishing returns is borrowed from economics, it can also be applied to strength training, particularly muscle building. When we take a workout too far or workout too persistently, not giving the body the time or nutrition it needs to recover, your muscles will reach a point where they are incurring physical…

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scar tissue

Scar Tissue

October 1, 2016

Scar tissue is a part of the body’s natural healing process: in the same way that a cut in the skin will eventually heal over and form a temporary or permanent scar, the same happens within the body when serious injury, surgery or repetitive trauma occurs. Cells are destroyed and cells must regenerate to replace…

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Living Longer

September 29, 2016

Are you currently, or have you ever been in the predicament where you want to start exercising, but the thought of starting from scratch seems overwhelming and just plain difficult? If so, don’t despair: there are millions of other people in America who face the same wall. With the proliferation of workout plans and the…

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September 28, 2016

  So you want to get moving, but the thought of going for a run is appalling, you don’t have a bicycle and, at this point, you’re all out of ideas. This is typical for many people who find it hard to get motivated or excited about working out regularly: the excuses usually outweigh everything…

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range of motion

Staying Flexible

September 17, 2016

It pays to be confident in your body’s range of motion; you can perform to your standard of movement knowing that injury is not waiting to strike at any moment.  know all Age alone takes a toll on the body, before considering other factors like diet, exercise and overall health. Most adults are at peace…

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Breakfast and Good Health

September 13, 2016

What is your breakfast style? From protein hounds to yogurt fiends to the functioning coffee and croissant addict, there are a variety of ways you can choose to start off your day. The important part is that you feed your brain to help break the fast of the night and transition into a day full…

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resistance stretch

Resistance Stretching

September 8, 2016

Resistance stretching is relatively new to the spotlight, having come into prominence as an integral part of US Olympic training programs. Perhaps this occurrence was given rise because modern lifestyles have led us to value efficiency and in this respect, resistance stretching is a king. At Holmes Chiropractic we believe that both flexibility and strength…

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Exercise and Rehabilitation

September 2, 2016

Exercise should be an integral part of your herniated disc treatment plan. Physical activity preserves the strength and integrity of the supportive muscles and structures around the injury, as well as opening up the injurious region to an influx of oxygen and healing nutrients resulting from increased circulation. While an initial period rest may be…

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feeling the healing

Healing a Herniated Disc: A Successful Formula

September 1, 2016

A herniated disc will most likely heal itself naturally, but the time frame is hard to determine. Depending on the position of the disc and the way it is herniated, healing times can be as low as 6 weeks or drag on for longer than a year. More serious cases involve repetitive irritation of the…

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chiropractic for kids

chiropractic for kids Houston

At Holmes Chiropractic are prepared for you and your family.

In addition, for the protection of our customers and our employees, we're keeping up with the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C.

The staff have disinfected all surfaces and implemented recommended strategies to keep safe distances between all customers and employees.

Moreover, our chiropractor and staff are on top of the most current information available to businesses.

We are open for business.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about your health at 713-862-2440