3 Benefits to Working Out Outdoors

Even if you can only get outside for a portion of your exercise routine this Fall and Winter, it’s still a great idea to take your workouts outdoors for a number of health benefits.

Below, Holmes Chiropractic goes over a few of the benefits of working out “al fresco.”

1.) The All-Natural Mood Booster

Working out outside is a natural antidepressant and will help boost your mood. Sunshine helps increase serotonin and releases endorphins — a one-two punch naturally designed to make you feel amazing.

2.) Operate Off of Self-Propulsion

Running outside will work different muscles in your legs and your body since you’re no longer running on the treadmill, which provides a healthy amount of mechanical assistance. Every inch you travel outdoors while running is earned by you.

3.) It’s Zero Cost

Working out outdoors means you no longer have to spend money on a gym membership since running and doing your exercises outside is absolutely free.

PRO TIPS: Invest in excellent outerwear as well as workout equipment — you and your workout routine are both worth it. Holmes Chiropractic is here in case you experience any tension, aches, pains, or even injuries due to your newly active outdoor lifestyle. Contact us today to learn more about our all-natural, drug-free treatments.

Fall Wellness Suggestions

It’s Fall season and Holmes Chiropractic would like to give a few wellness suggestions that will help you finish this tumultuous year in a healthy and positive way. First, it’s important to stay faithful to eating healthy and exercising 3-4 times per week.

Keeping your health and wellness routine on point while others might be in hibernation mode is a great way to stay on track and continue to make gains.

Take your workouts outdoors — run in the early morning to avoid foot traffic. Take a nature hike or even bring your yoga routine to a secluded nature spot in the early afternoon — before it gets too chipper outside.

As the season turns, try to prepare some healthy hot food options — break out that crockpot and make some healthy soups with lentils, quinoa, squash, and plenty of Fall friendly veggies, like carrots, cabbage, and radishes.

Chiropractic treatment is a great way to give yourself the active recovery you need this Fall season as well. Don’t just think of your local chiropractor as someone solely to visit after experiencing a back injury. We help patients from all walks of life stay happy, healthy, and active for the long haul.

Low-Key Ways to Practice Mindfulness While at Work

In today’s grind culture it seems like everyone we know is somewhat on the go, and the same might be true for you as you read this article right now. Mindfulness might seem like something of a luxury when you’re grinding away at that 9-5 plus, but, the truth is, you have to set aside the time to take care of your mind just like you would any other part of your body.

At work, it might seem like an impossible task to be anything but highly productive, but Holmes Chiropractic would like to throw out a few ideas that will help you get to your zen place — even while you’re in the middle of your work day and your workweek.

First, if you get any type of short break beside a lunch break, utilize this for a mindfulness exercise. Sit at your computer and try some positive visualization, or maybe just focus on your breathing and counting slowly to ten over and over until ten or fifteen minutes have passed — you’ll be surprised at how good and relaxed you feel.

If there are any errands to run at work or odd jobs to engage in, be the first to volunteer yourself. You’ll be showing your boss some of that all-important initiative, but, also, working on a menial task or going on some type of run will give you time to practice mindfulness. 

Lastly, that bathroom break you take every now and then is a perfect opportunity to get into the right headspace. Take a few extra moments to go on a thought experiment or a brief meditation. Think about your loved ones, your ancestors, and how they all came together so that you can be here right now. It’s a great way to put things into perspective!

You know what else helps your mind function at 100%? Chiropractic treatment! Contact Holmes Chiropractic today to learn more about how our treatments help get the best out of our patients.

Chiropractic for Hoopsters

Have you been watching the NBA playoffs and finals? We have! It’s been pretty incredible what a team like the Miami Heat have been able to do despite a few of their key players being out of the roster due to injury. Basketball in particular puts a ton of abuse on the body, particularly the spine and the joints.

Chiropractic treatment is an amazing remedy for basketball players experiencing pain after games, no matter what the level of competition is. Many professional athletes, basketball players included and especially, have close relationships with their local chiropractor. Many professional teams have chiropractic specialists designated for their players.

One simple chiropractic treatment provides drug-free pain relief for athletes, not to mention provides a better night of sleep for those who explore chiropractic treatment. One simple adjustment can improve flexibility, range of motion, and cognitive function, making you a better player on the court.

Contact Holmes Chiropractic today to learn how to make chiropractic treatment a part of your active basketball recovery plan.

Chiropractic for Remote Workers

If you’re a remote worker, it’s likely that at some point you’ve felt the strain from working at your home setup. The truth is, when the world shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us did not have our home work stations set up with our posture and our health and wellness in mind.

We might be working from a desk that wasn’t meant to be worked at for 40+ hours each week. Our keyboards and monitors might not be set up for success, which can result in neck, back, and joint pain.

Below, Holmes Chiropractic discusses the benefits of one simple chiropractic adjustment for our remote worker patients.

When you experience a chiropractic adjustment, you’re essentially re-aligning your spine, which benefits your bodily processes (like your GI system, for example).

As you put more strain on your lower back and your neck, chiropractic treatment is a great way to counteract the tension, not to mention increase your flexibility and range of motion.

Chiropractic treatment can also help you get a better night of sleep and boost your mood — which will help you get more done at the office, even when you’re working remotely. Your employers, clients, and/or coworkers will notice the positive difference and ask you what your secret is. We don’t tell if you don’t!

Contact Holmes Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation. We have a great track record of helping entire families!

3 Healthy October Focal Points for Your Consideration

This time of year — with a major election upon us, one of the likes we’ve never seen — is particularly stressful for everyone. It doesn’t matter where you stand on any issue, a presidential election is a stressful time of year where it might seem like your well-being is completely out of your hands.

But, this is simply untrue. The only thing that is totally under your control is… you — when it comes down to it.

So, during the month of October, as election season sprints to a dramatic end, you can do a lot to ensure that you’re feeling healthy, well, and well-rested.

Below, Holmes Chiropractic provides a few healthy October focal points that you might want to cultivate right now.

Getting Active with Your Recovery

You work hard, and maybe you’re starting to play a little harder now that more businesses and activities are opening up to the public. Just like you have an exercise plan, more than likely, you should have an equally thought-out recovery plan. Active recovery is recovery with purpose. Taking a nature hike in lieu of sitting in front of the TV on an off day is considered active recovery because you’re still pushing your body a little bit, but not in the way you would while working out. You’re still being productive, getting fresh air and mental clarity, all while your body still considers itself in a somewhat resting stage. Yoga is another form of active recovery you should consider during this time and moving forward into 2021.

Building a Meditation Practice

Sitting down for a few minutes each day to let your mind settle is a great way to gain new perspective, not to mention experience an immense amount of benefits, including increased mental cognition, enhanced inner calmness, and more. When meditating, try to think of nothing for the duration of your daily practice, whether it’s 10, 20, or 30 minutes. When you catch yourself thinking, do not judge, just make a note of it and continue to try to think of nothing. You’ll get better at it as you… practice.

Unlocking the Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment

One simple adjustment can help our patients get a better night of sleep, improve mood, reduce anxiety and depression, not to mention provide drug-free pain relief.

Contact Holmes Chiropractic to learn more about how our treatments are helping entire families stay healthy and well for the long haul!

Fall Fitness Inspiration

As the Fall season gets underway there might be some added challenges when it comes to your fitness routine. Those early 6 o’clock in the morning runs are going to seem far more daunting when the air is chilly outside. Nature hikes are going to get a little more challenging as the cold weather limits our options.

However, there’s still a lot you can do to stay happy and healthy during the Fall season. First, it’s a good idea to continue to take your workouts outdoors, especially since winter is right around the corner. Take as many nature hikes, morning runs, and late-season paddleboarding sessions as you can.

Find ways to bring your workouts indoors (as long as you’re remaining socially distant, of course — since COVID-19 will likely still be in the scenery). Taking a yoga class is a great way to heat things up while the world gets colder. Yoga offers amazing tension relief and will play hand-in-hand with our chiropractic treatments.

Now is also a great time to start preparing for the winter. If you ski or board, maybe it’s a good idea to start building up your leg and your core strength, that way you hit the slopes in style this winter.

If you have any questions about how our drug-free treatments go hand-in-hand with your active lifestyle, contact Holmes Chiropractic today to learn more.

The 125th Birthday of Chiropractic

If you didn’t know that today is the chiropractic profession’s 125th birthday, that’s okay, because we’re here to tell you all about it at Holmes Chiropractic.

As a mode of treatment for injury rehabilitation, not to mention as an option for drug-free pain relief, chiropractic has been an option for patients since 1985, back when the first chiropractic adjustments was performed by famed D.D. Palmer — two years later Palmer would start Palmer College of Chiropractic, which is around to this day.

Since chiropractic treatment turns 125 today, it makes sense to reflect upon the rich history we’re apart of here at Holmes Chiropractic. Our drug-free treatments are available for patients of all ages and from all walks of life. Our treatments have been shown to help with conditions like:

  • RA — Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Joint Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Neck Tension
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Gastrointestinal Problems
  • Back Pain of All Types
  • Leg Pain
  • Shoulder Pain
  • And Much, Much More!

Contact Holmes Chiropractic today to learn more about who we are and what we do. Schedule your consultation today!

Common Culprits of Joint Pain

When it comes to joint pain, it’s likely resulting from either an exotic movement or exercise you’ve done that has resulted in pain or injury, or your pain is coming as the result of something you’re doing habitually every day.

For instance, if you work at a car wash on the side or for your primary vocation, you’re likely going to experience shoulder, neck, and/or back pain at some point in time. If you’re an avid basketball player you’re likely going to experience pain in your hips, knees, shoulders, and your lower back.

Below, Holmes Chiropractic goes over a few of the common culprits when it comes to joint pain.

First, tendonitis is a very common contributor to joint pain, which have to do with your tendons becoming inflamed or irritated, which will cause tenderness in the area.

Next, arthritis is another common contributor to joint pain, which can occur in two forms, either osteoarthritis (OA) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA). OA has to do with the breakdown of important shock-absorbing cartilage that serves as cushion, while RA has to do with inflammation, irritation, and fluid build-up in the joints.

Fibromyalgia and osteoporosis are both common contributors and causes of joint pain as well. RA, Fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, and tendonitis can all be treated with chiropractic adjustments, which provide drug-free pain relief and help improve symptoms related to the conditions mentioned above.

Contact Holmes Chiropractic today to learn about how our treatments make lives better on a daily basis.

3 Signs You Should See Your Local Chiropractor in Houston, TX

Houston chiropractor services

When it comes down to it, chiropractic treatment is not limited to those who are advanced in age and those who experience back injuries. Sure, chiropractic adjustments are an effective drug-free treatment in both scenarios, but our treatments at Holmes Chiropractic are also available to those who are experiencing daily wear and tear from their exercise and work routines.

Below, we go over a few surefire signs that you should come in for an adjustment.

Feeling All Jammed-Up?

When our spine gets out of line and spine misalignment occurs, this can affect your sinuses, not to mention harm the way your brain communicates with the rest of your body. One simple adjustment can have you breathing easier, sleeping better, not to mention boost your cognition!

Your Body Hurts…

A lot of our patients at Holmes Chiropractic come in to see us when their bodies start to tell them something’s wrong. Aches and pains should be addressed immediately, not put on the back burner until they become so bad you can’t stand it any longer. Chiropractic treatment has been an effective drug-free option for aches and pains in the back, neck, legs, joints, and other areas of the body for over a century.

Trouble Sleeping

If you can’t seem to get a good night of sleep due to pain, discomfort, or even insomnia, make an appointment with your local chiropractic care specialist in Houston, TX today. Our treatments have been shown to reduce anxiety and depression, relax the body, and promote a healthy night of sleep — even for those who suffer from insomnia.

If you have any questions about how our treatments can help you get through a variety of jams, contact Holmes Chiropractic today.