The Vital Element of Spinal Longevity is Your Core
Core mechanics contribute to a healthy spine
But surprisingly few people are able to take advantage of their core when it comes to supporting the lower back. Think about your core and what it means to you: is it just an ambiguous mass of muscle in the middle of your body; or is it a dynamic set of muscle groups that work together to stabilize the lower back, sharing the burden of weight and preventing injury to vertebrae and muscles in the lumbar region? At Holmes Chiropractic, we hope it is the latter; and if not, we can help you turn your core into a lower back stabilizing aid that will benefit you throughout your lifetime.
Core mechanics begins with learning how to “engage your core”
How many times have you read those words and not bothered to investigate any further? For most people, engaging the core involves contracting the muscles of their stomach and nothing more. But it is slightly more technical than this. First, you need to find the transversus abdominus:
- Place two fingers on your hip bones
- Move them 1 inch in toward belly button
- 1 inch downward toward the feet
This is one of the key muscle groups of your core; it is the deepest and is involved in any motion that compresses the abdomen. As such, it is a vital muscle group for stabilizing bodily movement, maintaining good posture, aligning the body and preventing back pain.
It’s time you started using your core to your advantage. If you are interested in finding out more about building the core as a stabilizing force in your life, give our office in Houston a call to schedule an appointment today.