Q4 Wellness Check-in With Holmes Chiropractic
Now that November is in full swing we figure it’s a good idea to do a little fourth quarter of the year check-in with ourselves so we can see where we’re at as far as our health and wellness goals are concerned.
Chances are many of us had to make some adjustments related to lockdowns, depending on how much the COVID-19 pandemic has affected our individual lives. Below, Holmes Chiropractic goes over a few ways you can do a self-assessment — that way you can make any health and wellness adjustments necessary to finish out a productive year.
First, ask yourself how you feel on a daily basis. Do you feel energized at the start of each day and are you currently able to carry out all your work and errands successfully each day? Or are you feeling bogged down, exhausted, and overwhelmed. A healthy diet, proper hydration, exercise, and a good night of sleep — these are all things that should be helping you feel amazing. If you’re not doing them, we highly suggest building up new habits.
Getting outdoors is essential, even during the cold time of year. When we visit nature, it has a way of putting things into perspective. Do a few nature outings to close out the year — you’ll feel good about things and you might even come up with some good resolutions for the coming year.
Take an honest look at where you’re at physically. Are you feeling strong, able, and in shape? Or are you feeling weaker than usual, lethargic, and soft in areas where you used to be firm? Being honest with yourself will help you make any key adjustments moving forward so you can achieve the results you’re looking for.
If you have any questions about how chiropractic treatment makes an excellent gift for the holiday season, contact Holmes Chiropractic today.