Memorial Day Recovery Tips
Even if you stayed at home like millions of Americans in an attempt to limit the spread of COVID-19, you might have engaged in some couch surfing, or maybe some backyard barbecuing, not to mention ate and drank some foods and beverages that might not be the best for your health and wellness protocol. Below, Holmes Chiropractic goes over a few ways to recover from your Memorial Day in an effective way.
First, hydrate! Make sure you drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water, especially if you’re feeling a little under the weather.
Next, take part in a short stretch routine. Maybe take a nice steam shower and stretch your muscles with the heat, which will make your body more pliable. Put the water on its coldest setting and stay in that as long as you can before exiting. It might not sound like it, but it feels amazing.
If you’re feeling lingering muscle tension, an acupressure mat and pillow can go a long way in providing active recovery — whether it’s to counteract the tension from exercise or for weekend festivities.
Chiropractic treatment is also a great way to recover from any abuse you put your body through on a daily basis. Contact Holmes Chiropractic today to schedule your consultation in order to learn more.