Being Realistic About Spine Treatments
Many people buy into the notion of a “magic cure”
Whether it be an aggressive treatment like spinal surgery, or a more conservative one like chiropractic, many people believe that seeking treatment for their back pain will simply make it go away. But when it comes to spinal conditions, there is no panacea or magic bullet. To begin with, pain is a symptom and not a condition; chronic back pain is often linked to a complex network of causative factors that resist even the most vigorous treatment.
Choose conservative care first
Any spinal health care treatment should be designed with the patients wellbeing in mind. A spinal surgeon and a chiropractor both operate on the same premise: how can we address the structural abnormalities that are causing your pain and limiting motion? For the right patient, spinal surgery can be a transformative, life-changing treatment. But there is a significant portion of people who go through surgery and find that they still suffer from chronic pain after the operation.
Chiropractic is conservative care that seeks to address pain and dysfunction without surgical intervention. Our techniques have been developed for over a century to effectively treat, manage and resolve spinal dysfunction. Furthermore, if your condition and pain responds well to chiropractic, this is a good indicator that you will find success with surgery.
Regardless of which path you choose, it is important to get the conversation started as soon as possible. If you are living with chronic back pain, please don’t wait a second longer to get in touch with us at our office in Houston. We can provide you with a full physical examination that includes diagnostic imaging to help get to the bottom of your pain. Then we can work with your PCP and other spinal health care experts to develop an effective treatment plan.